It's just a flesh wound!
Hello fellow non-existants! This is your leader Christie speaking and I am back with some very important news.
... not really.
my life has been super uneventful, but pretty good. I took pictures because someone wanted me two and you just cannot argue with two people. Here they are (if anyone cares to look *dramatic sob*)

Shield your eyes! Ahem. Anyways... I demand all of you to go check out my deviantart for if you truly were cool, you would, and I shouldn't have to tell you what the link is D< But I will tell you anyways.
ANYWAYS this week has been nice because of no school. We had this majorly lame science project but Mr. Davala's cool and I'm sure I'll get an A on it because yeah. And we also have this LAME-O-MAH-GOSH-I-HATE-THIS-PROJECT project in social studies where we had to make a political cartoon and then write up what we thought the purpose was. Come on. That's like sucking all the fun out of an already kind of lame project. *headdesk* Oh well...
Now for what I'm updating with:
1. Write ten things you want to say to ten people.
2. Don't say who they are.
3. Never discuss it again.
And if you know who I'm talking about, BE QUIET or else I will be an angry Christie.
1. Dude. If there has ever been an immature adult, it's you. I haven't even talked to you for about half a year and I have no regrets about that. You were so rude, and just kind of acting like you were 5 or something. You always threw pity parties and when I consoled you, you'd type out a really rude reply of how you didn't need my pity. If you're depressed, get some help. You'd think a 20 year old would know better than to sit around and mope.
2. We've kind of lost contact with each other, and I have mixed feelings. Now we only talk through comments, and I never sign on so we can talk to each other. I kind of stopped all friendship with you for a while, and I'm not sure if I miss you or not. You're much easier to talk to through a few words than face to face.
3. I LOVE YOU. You're like, the coolest person ever, and I really really really hope that we can be friends forever. *cliche!* But that's what's so funny about us. We can laugh about nothing at all and we find it funny, but the people around us find it insane.
4. I LOVE YOU TOO... except sometimes it feels like I'm holding onto an empty hollow body. Where has my friend gone? I don't know if it's you anymore. ;-;
5. Dude, I haven't even talked to you over an instant messaging program and you're a best online friend in my book. So flipping cool. I must admit you inspired me to be a better person *flyingglomp*
6. You were much easier to deal with half a year ago. Now you're passing through an immature stage that everyone goes through, but I find myself trying to avoid you. I still love you as a friend mucho mucho mucho but I just really hope that I'll have my good, mature friend back soon.
7. Okay. You, seriously, need to come down from your perch. You think you're all better than everyone, and for some reason people /like/ that trait. You're really not nice. Putting people you haven't even /met/ before down, exposing them to the public so people could laugh at them, really, really isn't cool.
Plus your art isn't even that great anyway.
8. *glomp*
9. Bleh, suck it up and get over it. I am really sick of hearing you complaining and you don't even complain to me.
10. ;_; We used to be such awesome friends, but I never talk to you anymore. I'm even afraid to IM you because I don't even know what I'll say...
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