
Well, obviously, I'm not actually a new brand of iPod called the 'iChristie', but really, I Christie. That's my name. I'm an 8th grader, and my Science teacher has a blog so I decided to get one as well. Woot? Anyways, I'm an artist. View my artwork here: http://ceejayess.deviantart.com


katamari damacy

I think, officially, that Katamari Damacy is /the weirdest game/ in the world, but dern, is it fun. I really should be doing homework, but I'm not. And as soon as I get up to go do homework, i decide to play that game. 8c yeah, i'm such a good student, huh?
anyways, i seriously feel like today is friday. i dun wanna go to the monster mash very much anymore, since the guy I like isn't going, but at least he was really sweet about it. plus, he's not really the dance type of guy, so i'm glad i never got around to asking him. turns out he likes me, but he's not the boyfriend/girlfriend type of guy either so if we ever 'date' it'd be more like geek-outs. that's fine with me. nothing wrong with snuggling on the couch and playing katamari damacy, is there? yeeeeaaaah. i was so bored in math today =_= no one to ramble on about FF9 with... and social studies was horrible because usually i can flirt long distance with him because he's directly across the room from me but NO he has to go to see his brother D: oh well! i can wait until tuesday to see him again.

i hope. owo;;


Blogger davala said...

yeah thats why you didn't have your homework the other day... too much video gamin.
whos the idiot who showed you that games anyway?
oh yeah.
sorry your pals wont see you at the monster mash, you can stay home and post more comments and think about whats his name.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Christie said...

yes. we can blame my katamari damacy obsession on you. what a horrible teacher, making great students into lazy gaming ones.

either way, at the dance or at home, i'd be thinking about whats his name :3

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... You know, there's only so many students who are male, going to see their brother, and won't be back until Tuesday.... who could it be?

Yes, I brought a laptop with me, I'm just that nerdy...

9:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, who's feeding you information? Matt?

10:08 PM  
Blogger Christie said...

I don't know, who could it be?

Trust me, nerdy is good.

And yes, Matt has been my inside source.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do have gtalk, see if you can figure out my SN, it shouldn't be too hard, seeing as gmail and gtalk are tied together.

5:16 PM  

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