hahahaa (edit)
i win x)
Time for an actual blog entry.
it's snowing!
Snow is like catnip for me. It can turn around any day. And I'll look through the window and wish I was out there, playing in the light snowflakes. Too bad I'm writing this stupid blog entry instead.
Snow is so pretty. So peaceful. So romantic. It's very... sentimental? Where as rain is more dramatic, but snow is serene. I like seeing people with snow in their hair. It makes them look happy.
Snow makes me happy.
I've got happy songs blasting really loudly out of my speakers (now playing: Goodnight and Go by Imogen Heap) but in order to keep my happy mood, I really do have to go out in the snow. But I don't want to! Why? Because Christie likes being emo sometimes. So I'm being in a happy, emo mood. This is very, very weird.
Continuing, I had a lot of fun at the concert at the high school and the bus trip was super fun. I got to know John's friends a little bit (I already knew Alex...) Justin's cool, but I didn't really talk to Josh. He seemed funny though.
The weekend was fun! Very fun! And yey! Sunday was kind of a bummer, but Monday? It twas great. And now it's Tuesday and school is canceled. Ha ha!
Right now, 2007 has been great. My friends are nice. I have a great relationship with someone and I'm happy.
So know, that right now, my blog is not used for emo writings. It is used for happy emo ones.
See you all around.